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"Give in to life's realities,

but never give up on what

you want for your life."

I'm David

My Story - That was then. This is now.
No matter our age...
We can stay engaged in life in a way that ensures living is always meaningful and fulfilling.

Groundbreaking new book!

In this inspiring new self-discovery book,
you will learn how to:

Define your purpose for this era in your life. Discover new passions and interests. Approach aging as a unique time to contribute your gifts and talents. Build new relationships and share your wisdom. Rise above the problems of the world by being a part of the solution.

"This book is an inspiring conversation with a seasoned and compassionate guide, who will show you how to reimagine your elderhood as a time of creativity and rich possibilities."

Ann Cahill - Director, John O'Donohue Literary Estate

As we age, will we choose to grow or decline? Will we expand or contract? What purpose will we now serve?"

The Inspired Elder

Living a Life of Purpose and Contribution